Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Star Events Meeting

Hello Ladies and Gents!
Tomorrow at lunch is a VERY important meeting for all competing FCCLA members. We are discussing Star Events. What they are, what you can do, how you do it, who to contact, and all that jazz. Be sure to be there and be excited! It's time to get rolling on FCCLA 2010! Let's make it great!

See ya there!
(Ms. Orme's room: L-31? 32? ish.)

     Your FCCLA Staff

P.S. Really, this is a super important meeting, so if you have any friends who are interested and don't get the FCCLA updates or invites but would like to join--BRING THEM! We'll be glad to have 'em!

P.P.S Officers: remember you are in charge of a little snippet of a section of Star Events! Contact Vanessa with any questions.